knoxville, tennessee
Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord!
At Christ UMC, we are fortunate to have an incredibly diverse music ministry. No matter where you are in your skill level, there is a place for you to share your musical gifts with the community of faith. To learn more about any of our musical offerings, please contact Sarah Holloway, music director, hollowaylavoce@comcast.net.
Adult Choir
Our Choir leads us in worship each week at our 11am traditional service. Our choir has been led by our Director of Music Ministries, Sarah Holloway, for over 25 years. In addition to leading our congregation in the singing of hymns every Sunday, our choir also performs an anthem prior to the sermon that connects with the weekly Scripture text. Our choir performs two concerts for the community each year: a Christmas concert every December and the annual Camp Meeting concert at the end of summer.
Our choir rehearses every Wednesday night from 7:00-7:45pm, with childcare provided.
Adult Handbells
Rehearsals are every Thursday in the Choir Room at 6:30 p.m. Ringers participate in morning worship quarterly, and though ability to read music is a plus, it is certainly not required! Contact Sarah (hollowaylavoce@comcast.net) for more information.

Children's Music
"Voices of Christ" is our children's choir for all ages starting at 1st grade. They rehearse from 6:30-7:10 on Wednesday evenings during the school year, and they sing in morning worship services several times a year, as well as with the adult choir for the Christmas Concert, and other programs as requested. They even take their talents on the road and sing for our shut-in and disabled church members on given Sunday afternoons. All children are welcome to join in on the fun!

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Our music ministry staff hard at work! (L to R): Sarah Holloway, Director of Music; Mike Beckley, organist; Nancy Hodges, pianist.